Sunday 22 April 2012

The Indian cinema saga: The Dirty Picture not to be broadcasted

Indian cinema entered it's hundredth year yesterday.

Disheartening to see that the I&B ministry has just darted the World TV premier of National award winning `The Dirty Picture` on Sony TV. Following the cancellation, here is a list of people who have suffered losses:
  • Sony TV - for obvious reasons
  • Advertisers - investing for the prime slot
  • Media - foul name due to presentation of hollow news
  • Viewers - now that was obvious. People are somehow daring to watch Ra.One today following the TDP tragedy.
Fully understanding the concern and awkwardness arising from Prime time broadcasting of 'The Dirty Picture' in India, I am somehow forced believe that the step taken is right. Indian audience is definitely not mature enough, escpecially the large group of viewers belonging to the middle and lower-middle class.

The awkwardness has to be shed. When we have borrowed the balls to make such films from the west, we must make a conscious effort to get some balls to  broadcast it in public, during the prime time. Only then can we say our nation has truly progressed.

Friday 6 January 2012

Courage does not mean we should always take futile risks!

Three generals from the US Army met on a tour of the Grand Canyon. The first General bragged about the courage and obedience in his battalion, and boomed, "Private Peter". Private Peter came running. The General pointed at the Grand Canyon and said, "Leap across the canyon, NOW!" Private Peter ran full speed and took off. You know where he landed.
The second general laughed. "That's nothing. See this. Trooper Higgens!," he yelled. Higgins arrived. "Fly across the canyon." The man flapped his hands, and you know what happened.
The third general kept quiet. "What about yours?" they asked. "Hey you," he said to one of his men. "See that river down below? I want you take this message to the headquarters. Go down the canyon, cross that river and go." The soldier looked down and said, "General, it looks like you have been at your whiskey again. I'm doing no such stupid thing."
"See?" said the third general, "This is real courage."
So be a little more courageous in your friendships. Be ready to lose them. If you care about your friends, you must do what is good for the other; not just for yourself.